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Environment | eatparade - Part 2

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8Fri 2016


A Washington Post article was highlighted renunciation of shrimp for Christmas, although not all. Tightened after research in 2013, it was found that the production of shrimp from Thailand is turning from 250,000 workers in conditions inhumane. There are men,

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5Tue 2016


At Christmas you never stop eating and even when the holidays end there are always leftovers. Now even the fir is one of essi.Il all in a choice ecology, because the fir plastic comes from oil, while the real one

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21Mon 2015


A new Roman comes after Expo and returns value to the leftover food with the doggy bag. If the message of Expo Milano 2015 is banish waste from the boards, this project is the guarantor of maintaining it. Doggy bag

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16Wed 2015

The narwhal: the fish with the tooth strangest in the world

What for centuries it has been passed off as the genuine Alicorno, that is, as the horn of the legendary unicorn, is actually a tooth, the strangest we’ve ever seen, the male narwhal, a whale (marine mammal) long 4-5 meters

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8Tue 2015

The Green Encyclical of Pope Francis “New lifestyle to save the Earth”

“Laudato Si’” is the new encyclical of Pope Francis dedicated to nature and environmental protection. A theme social and ecological, but also of faith, very dear to Pope Bergoglio, who repeatedly called on Christians to take care of Creation.
“The invitation

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7Mon 2015

What is Cop21

These days Paris is the stage on which the world’s leaders must show their motives and where you absolutely have to reach a global agreement on climate change. Until 11 December, the Cop21 will make king in the French capital.

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26Thu 2015

The troubles of Livestock Intensive

Behind the slaughter of meat consumption, they are hiding real practices barbarism against animals. It is no secret that the meat sold in fast-food at modest price of a few dollars is of poor quality, but that behind this poor

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26Thu 2015

Stop the test animals. Finally, something is moving

The vivisection is a theme always tremendously current and too often unknown. Even today, thousands of animals are used in scientific laboratories around the world. Here is a small step to say stop to the animals in the laboratory.
The Italian

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25Wed 2015

The green event in Italy

The sector has been growing, is still missing in Italy a true culture event sustainable.
Organize a sustainable event is a result that is achieved through the interaction of various actors, many of them linked to the territory, and by virtue

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18Wed 2015

Organic Farming between values ​​and certifications.

Organic agriculture respects a well-defined value system that starts first by a production method that maintains as much as possible the natural resources intact. This system is aimed at future generations, not to create the void caused by food waste

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