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Environment | eatparade

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19Fri 2016

Blue Gold

The green emergency on blue gold is a quantity and quality issue. The availability of drinking water decreases and today it is increasingly polluted and contaminated.
From the point of view of quality, sewage and industrial waste (discharged for 90% and

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17Wed 2016

Discovering the Crowdfunding

Let us try to understand the world of the “collection 2.0.” and shed light on a phenomenon that has spread in recent years but that is rooted in time.
The Crowfounding is an online fundraising to finance a project, a story,

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16Tue 2016

The problem of noise pollution

Among the many forms of pollution that may affect our cities, we have noise pollution, often underestimated.
It is difficult to consider the noise a real source of pollution, yet we talk about noise pollution when you are exposed to sounds

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8Mon 2016

The dangers of Deforestation

Deforestation is growing at a frightening pace, and often outside the constraints of the law. It is a phenomenon of alarming relevance not only for the more concerned to protect the environment but also for those who are interested in

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3Wed 2016

Ecological fur: Natural or Synthetic?

The debate about the fur never goes out of fashion and today is becoming more intense.
During cold periods reappears controversy on the faux fur and if really represents an ethical choice or not. In fact, many wonder if it

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1Mon 2016

Urban Bio pool

Use the waters of rivers and channels to derive biopiscine urban outdoor is the revolutionary initiative taken by the three cities.
Once a summer you could dip in the waters of the rivers to cool off citizens against the searing heat.

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29Fri 2016

(Italiano) Motivi per amare l’inverno

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.
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28Thu 2016

Five green books that everyone should read

It is good to see that green issues gradually are getting their space in bookstores, further evidence that this Cultural Revolution is taking hold everywhere. These issues are so variegated as to not be easily enclosed within a specific genre.

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26Tue 2016

Do you remember the picture of the polar bear suffering that moved the Web?

The photos of white bear skinny, weak and suffering caused a sensation. A strong image that shows a polar bear skin bones, bent and balanced on a scrap of ice.
Leaving aside the emotional aspect and rationally addressing the problem, it

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25Mon 2016

Five green film not to be missed

There are many films that deal with the most diverse environmental arguments, such as recycling waste, climate change, the extinction of animal species, etc. In this article, here are some examples of films, shorts and documentaries green of which is

Latest posts

  • Blue Gold

    The green emergency on blue gold is a quantity and quality issue. The availability of drinking water decreases and today it is increasingly polluted and contaminated.
    From the point of view

  • Discovering the Crowdfunding

    Let us try to understand the world of the “collection 2.0.” and shed light on a phenomenon that has spread in recent years but that is rooted in time.
    The Crowfounding

  • The problem of noise pollution

    Among the many forms of pollution that may affect our cities, we have noise pollution, often underestimated.
    It is difficult to consider the noise a real source of pollution, yet we

  • Greenwashing

    Greenwashing, literally “wash with the green”, is a phenomenon that indicates the communication strategy of certain businesses, organizations or institutions designed to build self-image false-positive from the environmental effects, in

  • The fashion of the Food Truck

    In the Big Apple, they have multiplied enormously the gourmet food trucks, a trend imported from California, exploded in recent years across the United States.
    Food truck today he talks a

  • The dangers of Deforestation

    Deforestation is growing at a frightening pace, and often outside the constraints of the law. It is a phenomenon of alarming relevance not only for the more concerned to protect

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