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Arts | eatparade

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4Thu 2016

The new frontier of the Label

An innovative invention the Smart Tag, the smart label that changes color if the product is not safe.
It is a project developed by a team at the University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Materials Science, and Imperial College London,

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2Tue 2016

The oil, the king of condiments

These days we often talk of the scandal over fake olive oil. There are many news about how to distinguish the authentic from the false, the origin of the olives, what are the brands guilty, and so on.
However, we

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1Mon 2016

Urban Bio pool

Use the waters of rivers and channels to derive biopiscine urban outdoor is the revolutionary initiative taken by the three cities.
Once a summer you could dip in the waters of the rivers to cool off citizens against the searing heat.

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28Thu 2016

Five green books that everyone should read

It is good to see that green issues gradually are getting their space in bookstores, further evidence that this Cultural Revolution is taking hold everywhere. These issues are so variegated as to not be easily enclosed within a specific genre.

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12Tue 2016

Scientific research agreement between CR and Caselli di Capodimonte.

It has established a new collaboration of scientific communication and research between the center of Naples and the Ceramics Institute Caselli for Capodimonte porcelain. It is a five-year research protocol designed to develop and integrate the functions of aggregator scientific

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23Mon 2015

Museums Unconventional

Louvre, the Uffizi, the Prado, the British Museum, the collective places like these represent the museum par excellence. No one doubts but sometimes, however, the museums most striking are the least conventional, those that do not host the Mona Lisa

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11Wed 2015

Expo 2015, statistics on the most popular pavilions

The Universal Exposition in Milan registered a huge success.
Here is what were the pavilions favorite visitors.
1. First of all (and it is not a news) Pavilion Japan took first place with 21% of the vote. Its real feature is the

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10Tue 2015

Here are the budget and the numbers of Expo 2015

It has been a few days after the close of Expo Milan 2015 and it is time to take stock.
Saturday, October 31 with a special closing ceremony has archived the Italian edition of the Universal Exposition, to give us an

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4Wed 2015


After starting a bit shaky, between pavilions unstable and unmanageable crowds, Expo Milano 2015 sums up his epilogue. From May 1 to October 31, the area of ​​Milan dedicated to Expo showed food from all over the world, channeling inside

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1Sun 2015


The party most frightening of the world is in Italy followed by the visit to the cemetery for deceased relatives and friends. Usually these days are accompanied by blacks clothes to mark the mourning and pumpkins give way to chrysanthemum.

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