Culture | eatparade - Part 4
The Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Rome and the National Institute of Health have conducted a research on Italian university showing their bad habits: diet low in fruits and vegetables, excess alcohol, sedentary lifestyle.
The research involved the
The Santa Claus Village
From 28 November to 20 December the Santa Claus Village is located inside the Mostra D’Oltremare in Naples, Fuorigrotta (via JFKennedy 54 – Hall 10). They also include Saturday and Sunday and public holidays from 10:00 to 23:00, and weekday
FOOD ACT CAMPANIA: We in the field who work in the field.
On 5 December 2015 the Overseas Exhibition in Naples, was held the conference Food Act Campania. From the poster appear already the main themes of the arguments treated:
Gustus: Professional exhibition agribusiness and Food Quality. Round Table “Towards a Regional Food
“Novel food” on the table
On 28 October 2015, the European Parliament gave the green light to new rules for the introduction and sale of so-called “novel foods”, unusual, destined for our tables; while on November 11, also came the OK of the EU Council
The rampant use of beloved Emoticon!
The “word” most used in 2015 is not made up of letters, but it dell’emoji with the smiley face that cries of joy!
Today emoticons are the real protagonists of communication.
Whether we like it or not, emoticons are changing the
The Green Encyclical of Pope Francis “New lifestyle to save the Earth”
“Laudato Si’” is the new encyclical of Pope Francis dedicated to nature and environmental protection. A theme social and ecological, but also of faith, very dear to Pope Bergoglio, who repeatedly called on Christians to take care of Creation.
“The invitation
After the flood in the beneventano that it has shaken and destroyed to people and business activities, the Rummo family resumes in hand its macaroni factory, thanks to the will and to the aid that two simple ones hashtag #SaveRummo
Diet at no cost: the Freegan movement
Go shopping at the supermarket without spending a single euro you can.
The program “Openspace” conducted by Nadia Toffa, two university students of twenty years Emma and Bianca explain how to do.
The girls are two freegan namely two people that
Museums Unconventional
Louvre, the Uffizi, the Prado, the British Museum, the collective places like these represent the museum par excellence. No one doubts but sometimes, however, the museums most striking are the least conventional, those that do not host the Mona Lisa
Insects and algae on the table of the European
In 1997, after having launched the Regulation for the authorization for new foods, days ago in Strasbourg, the European Parliament together with the Council, approved with 359 yes, 202 no, 127 abstentions, the authorization of the use of novel foods