Monthly Archives: November 2015
While the WHO drafts a list of the cancercausing alimony inserting the worked and red meat, the investigators of Oxford cross off from such list own the meats many condemned. Indeed, they quite assert that the red meat does good
After the flood in the beneventano that it has shaken and destroyed to people and business activities, the Rummo family resumes in hand its macaroni factory, thanks to the will and to the aid that two simple ones hashtag #SaveRummo
Diet at no cost: the Freegan movement
Go shopping at the supermarket without spending a single euro you can.
The program “Openspace” conducted by Nadia Toffa, two university students of twenty years Emma and Bianca explain how to do.
The girls are two freegan namely two people that
The troubles of Livestock Intensive
Behind the slaughter of meat consumption, they are hiding real practices barbarism against animals. It is no secret that the meat sold in fast-food at modest price of a few dollars is of poor quality, but that behind this poor
Stop the test animals. Finally, something is moving
The vivisection is a theme always tremendously current and too often unknown. Even today, thousands of animals are used in scientific laboratories around the world. Here is a small step to say stop to the animals in the laboratory.
The Italian
The green event in Italy
The sector has been growing, is still missing in Italy a true culture event sustainable.
Organize a sustainable event is a result that is achieved through the interaction of various actors, many of them linked to the territory, and by virtue
The supermarket without packaging
On 13 September in Berlin, he was born the first ecological supermarket, which sells all without packaging: it is called Original Unverpackt.
Activity of crowdfunding allowed two young entrepreneurs, Sara Wolf and Milena Glimbovski, to crown a dream of what they
Museums Unconventional
Louvre, the Uffizi, the Prado, the British Museum, the collective places like these represent the museum par excellence. No one doubts but sometimes, however, the museums most striking are the least conventional, those that do not host the Mona Lisa
Things (negative) to know about sedentary lifestyle
According to a report by the World Health Organization, in developed countries more than half of adults practice a physical activity very inadequate. However, one sedentary lifestyle is more dangerous than you think and, in some cases, can even
Feeding the Planet. How?
The question arises because: no red meat, no coffee, no sweets. Then what is left?
The World Health Organization reports that the red meat processed are carcinogenic, cheese and pizza are addictive, and coffee is like a drug, and so on.