Ricomincia la scuola! | eatparade
Rings the bell
Cleans cleans janitor,
Comes janitor to open the door,
Comes the teacher from station, the student
To get you off the bed..
Comes the sun in the room:
On, the holiday is over.
Put the pen in the pen holder
The sorbent in notebook,
You do tip the pencil
Run to write your life.
Write good, unhurried
Everyday one page.
Write words straight and clear:
Love, to fight, work.
(Gianni Rodari)
The holidays and relaxing days on the beach are far away. September has arrived and school is about to start. A new year begins.
The first day of school in 2015 has already arrived in some regions, and other students will return in the coming days in the classroom to begin the school year 2015/2016.
Begin, therefore, a new adventure for millions of Italian students. It is not wrong to call “adventure” for both teachers and students. The insecurity of the first day, the curiosity and the fear of meeting new teachers. The new school year always creates apprehensions, fears, anxieties.
The beginning of the new year is always an opportunity to reflect on the important role that school plays in the society. School, like family, have a big task: educating and training people to be aware and responsible, able to face the challenges of life.
The successes, the failures, the tensions, the friendships, the rewards, the commitment, the school is still one of the most intense experiences that a young person lives.
May you have a wonderful school year!