The Green Encyclical of Pope Francis “New lifestyle to save the Earth” | eatparade
“Laudato Si’” is the new encyclical of Pope Francis dedicated to nature and environmental protection. A theme social and ecological, but also of faith, very dear to Pope Bergoglio, who repeatedly called on Christians to take care of Creation.
“The invitation to look for other ways of understanding the economy, the serious responsibility of international politics, the culture of waste and the proposal of a new style of life.” These are some of the cornerstones of the environmentalist encyclical of Pope.
“Humanity – writes – is called to become aware of the need to change lifestyles, production and consumption. A change in lifestyle may come to exert a healthy pressure on those holding political power, economic and social.
It is what happens when the consumer movements can cause you to stop buying certain products. Education for environmental responsibility can encourage various behaviors that have a direct and important in caring for the environment, such as avoiding the use of plastic or paper, reduce water consumption, waste separation, only cook what reasonable people can eat, handle with care other living beings, use public transport or share a same vehicle between several people, plant trees, turn off unnecessary lights.” Therefore, education and training remain key challenges; They are involving all educational fields, primarily “the school, family, the media, catechesis”.
Another issue, which is analyzed and described in a clear and comprehensive, is pollution, then reads a thorough analysis on the situation of water in the world and the loss of biodiversity with its dramatic consequences. They then examined the technical progress, scientific research, labor and many other factors that led to today’s environmental situation.
In the history of the Catholic Church is the first time that a Pope promotes an encyclical on major environmental issues of our planet. With this document, addressed to all, believers or not, it invites us to be more responsible.