Le biofattorie: cosa sono? | eatparade
The organic farms are farms, often family-run, that arise in the country. They are called “organic” because they have a zero impact on the environment: do not use OGM, pesticides and chemical additives (harmful not only for the environment, for human health) and animals (native land) are bred to ‘Fresh air, free to graze in nature and are fed with the self-produced fodder from the farm, without administration of any synthetic substance that accelerates growth.
These farms, in addition to completely exclude the use of synthetic chemicals, comply with the seasonal cycles of crops and growth rates of the animals; prohibit the transplantation of embryos and the use of hormones to control ovulation; carry and break down the cattle to the stress suffered by the animals without brutality and without the use of calming chemicals which then remain in the flesh; minimize human impact on the environment through respect for biodiversity, natural resources and the welfare of animals reared.
Not only. For children, the organic farms, are entertaining and informative, since they have workshops where they learn to make cheese and bread, to ride a horse or milk a cow; indeed these farms are home to students and families.
In Italy the spread of organic farm is fairly recent; in general, the first European farms were born at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first was born in Scandinavia, with the name of “Aktivspielplätze” (playgrounds active), to the need to create places of encounter with the animals.
In the Netherlands, organic farms are supported by a National Foundation, the Ministries of Agriculture and Cultural Affairs and numerous sponsors. In England, they are called “City Farms” and are a little different, because they develop as recovery solutions abandoned places.