Insalata avocado e salsa di vino | eatparade
This easy and quick recipe could be an excellent choise for a Semptember lauch, when it’s still quite hot.
All ingredients are meant to be for 2/3 people.
Fresh mixed Salad – 250 grams
White wine – 6/7 tablespoons
Lemon juice – 1/2 lemon
Butter – 1 tea spoon
Flour – 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
Avocado – 1
How to…
1. Pour wine and butter together, in order to let them melt. Slowly add flour and lemon juice, so as to create a creamy sauce. Once it’s done, let it cool down.
2. Break into little pieces the avocado and then mix with the salad.
3. Pour the sauce onto the salad and, if you like it, add some mini toast or sesame seeds.