Il Car-Sharing come servizio innovativo di mobilità | eatparade
It is crucial to understand the car sharing phenomenon, in order to be familiar with the sustainable mobility. As a matter of fact, in Italy this usage is becoming more and more widespread, combinig the private convenicence and enviromental one. The actual advantages of this service consist in the peculiarity of the service itself: what you pay for it is not the actual car, but just the ammount of time you get to use it.
So, this procedure allows you the comfort of you own car but with lowered costs. As for the car you can rent, it is used for the actual time it is needed: every customer drive it in an indipendent way and for the exact time he need to, satisfying all his necessities.
Car sharing, due to its eco-friendly implications, is quite prevailing among all enviromentalist people. In the last 10 years, energy consumptions have constantly grown in the transport sector, but due to the carsharing phenomenon it is possible to say that greenhouse gas emissions have slightly decreased. The exchange between a private car and a shared one is that latter covers for 10 private cars.
By the way, all that has been mentioned so far it is just the tip of the iceberg: it is raising a new moral philosophy, concerned with moblity and based, above all, on two assumptiones. As for the first, it is based on a different concept of “ownership”, while the second one is totally based on the process of transfering on demand.
In Italy, a car is “possessed” by its owner, who considers it a second home. If this kind of certainty was eradicated, it would pave the way for a new upcoming concept of “urban mobility”, which could lead to an enhancement of the quality of the way of living in the big metropolis, where eviromental quality could be recognised as a core value by all citizens.