i 5 cibi che fanno ingrassare di meno | eatparade
The Mediterranean diet provides foods that can speed up your metabolism, and make sense of satiety without overdo the calories. Foods that can be consumed freely, are:
– white or blue fish: sea bream, hake, cod, etc., are great because they contain no carbohydrates or fat and make Omega 3 and phosphorus ;
– seafood and shellfish: clams, prawns, oysters, squid, etc., have little fat such as fish and are rich in iodine and zinc , good quality protein and low in carbohydrates;
– leanmeats : such as turkey or chicken, which are filling enough and make many proteins; Baked fish and chicken are healthier foods other fried foods, including lean meats are healthier than fatty meat such as beef. Meals of processed meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausages, contain many saturated fats and nitrates.
–legumes: lentils, chickpeas, soy, beans, etc., make zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and many vitamins and also many proteins. Not only that, for example, the beans maintain balanced sugar levels in the blood;
– fruit and vegetables : except bananas, grapes, coconut and the quince, which have high amounts of sugar, all other fruits bring water and antioxidants; with vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, etc . ) intake of minerals and vitamins is excellent, and the amount of fat almost nothing. In addition, they moisturize the body. The advice is to give priority to those seasonal, because it increases the possibility of reperirne km 0 reducing the possible decline, due to the transport of nutrients.
The foods rich in fiber and unrefined help control levels of blood sugar and satiate faster; natural water, milk and fruit juices with 100 % of pulp are excellent substitutes for sugary drinks.