Expo 2015: il calendario degli ultimi 30 giorni | eatparade
Tuesday, 8 September, Commissioner Sala, presented the program of events including free concerts, theme parties and important presences, to accompany visitors until the end of the World Fair. The calendar is divided into three areas: entertainment (at the open air theater and the auditorium); parties; thematic events.
The music is king, the concerts have free admission and can hold people to availability of space. In this last month: Marracash, Gue Piqueno and Emis Killa for an evening dedicated to Hip Hop (3 October); Mario Biondi (13 October); Edoardo Bennato (October 24) carried by Eataly. Not only Italian singers: The Varhan Orchtrovic Bauer orchestra and other artists for the Republic Ceca (October 28).
Among the theme parties this month: that of coffee (October 1) and that of wine and oil (24 October); Furthermore, on October 4th (St. Francis of Assisi) is characterized by a round of Mensa of peoples, or people attending the canteens of the city will be brought to the site, Caritas Ambrosiana and the Diocese of Milan, with the possibility to visit and share a meal in Cascina Triulza; October 6, however, there will be Terra Madre Young, an event sponsored by Slow Food, with the farmers and fishermen of the world; October 30 is celebrated the day of the BIE for the awards to the countries; Finally, the closing ceremony of the day is still playing.
Do not miss the occasion of World Food Day United Nations, 16 October, the visit of the Secretary General of the Onu Ban Ki-Moon and Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic.
The target of Sala is to reach of 20 million visitors: until September, there was a flow of 130-140 thousand visitors daily, with an increase in the weekend.