Dalle cucine nazionali alla cucina mondiale. | eatparade
In the nineteenth century, the emergence of so-called “national cuisines”, are mainly the affirmation of the bourgeoisie. The Italian tradition, lacks a unifying center similar to what Paris was for French cuisine, grows as recovery and development of ancient local custom, according to a principle of apparently spontaneous “peasant”, although actually occurs through a rereading key bourgeois, the rich folk customs. The merit of this new reading and this unification is especially by Pellegrino Artusi, who built it in his work of 1891 “Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well”.
Today, the national cuisines represent the modern processing has simplified the traditional plot of “eating well” is the will to express a social state. Even the current attempts to recover the kitchen “popular” and wholesome foods are essentially a statement of status and a commercial operation, but both based on “discoveries” false because now the authenticity of food is uncertain, in fact, most food undergoes the necessary manipulations to a mass service.
Alongside efforts to strengthen national cuisines there is actually a very strong tendency to standardize the ways of cooking and eating worldwide. This depends on various factors: in addition to conservation techniques, spreading through the means of mass communication, behavior patterns similar around the world (think of the phenomenon burgers); the transformation of the functions and role of the family and the emergence of new habits related to work and leisure.
Of course, in many countries continue to exist different habits, but these differences within the human feeding depends, like many other aspects of modern social life, the evolution of the production, the distribution of wealth, the social difference.