Conseguenze della superalimentazione | eatparade
Unfortunately, in the world, next to millions of human beings who have to dramatically solve the problem of hunger, there are whole populations whose health problems and survival are derived, on the contrary, from overfeeding. You know, in fact, that overeating does relatively more victims of hunger itself. In Western countries, super-powered, since the first days after birth, children are subject to care and worries exaggerated. They result from illnesses such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, catarrh etc., Disorders due to the presence of toxic substances in the body of the child. These substances are derived from their diet too rich. The child gets used and is likely to become greedy, as if he died of starvation. Such an attitude can affect its behavior when it is young and adult.
The overfeeding has negative consequences for other reasons: it can cause a number of diseases: skin irritation and disorders of the stomach and intestines, the blood circulation, the nervous system, respiratory and renal failure; It encourages the introduction into the body of toxic substances, poisons contained in food. The latter, in fact, for commercial purposes, are often subjected to conservative treatment. Just think of coloring matter and antifermentatives added to desserts and drinks. These substances are toxic to mucosal, to digestive apparatus and, in the end, can lead to ulcers and even to cancer.
Many people prefer to use medicine to treat liver and other organs damaged by the abuse of food, rather than decrease the amount of meals. Such behavior is not appropriate and does not give value to food. The ordinary food and rational guarantees health, vigor and long life.