(Italiano) Progetto Eredità di Expo ISTITUTO ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “E.FERRARI” – Battipaglia
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.Enviromental movie theater
Increasing human activity and industry are leading to problems such as pollution, depletion of non-renewable resources, climate change and the resulting global warming, species extinction, etc. ..
Faced with this situation one can not remain indifferent and that is why it
Today, with the depletion of non-renewable sources, we talk more and more understanding of sustainability in the Brundtland report, as the balance between satisfying the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
Clean air
Air pollution is one of the great tragedies of modern society.
The current air quality, in fact, is heavily impaired not only due to natural phenomena such as volcanoes, fires, and biological processes, but above all due to the intervention of
Biodiversity in schools
For biodiversity it means not only the variety of living species but also, and especially, the variability between these species and ecosystems in which they live. It then depend the ability of evolution and continuation of life on the planet
Water forever
Water is the source of life, it is a precious and vital for human life and other living species. Despite its value, very often it is wasted and/or polluted with the consequence of being able to jeopardize the use for
One of the major problems of the contemporary world is deforestation, and therefore over-exploitation of forests.
Forests have a key role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem; plants indeed subtract the carbon dioxide in the air by releasing oxygen in
The intensification of human activity, the steady rise of urban centers and industry, the exploitation of natural resources and the increasing use of pollutants, are bringing more and more towards a real environmental degradation.
It is necessary then ttry to do
Everybody on stage!
Educating people to have of responsible behavior towards the environment is not very easy; what is needed and then form them away from their first years of life so as to internalize a lasting ethical values related to environmental protection.
We clean our city
Cities today are increasingly dirty. If part of this phenomenon is due to the carelessness of the companies that manage street cleaning and waste disposal, the bulk of the dirt is often due to tha way citizens behave in their