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28Fri 2015

WFP “Cash and Voucher” program

Each year, the World Food Programme of the United Nations (WFP) provides food assistance to more than 90 million people in 80 countries, it supports the efforts of governments in order to improve access to nutritious food, provides resources to

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28Fri 2015

UN for Expo2015: the School Project

The Universal Exhibition in Milan invests central themes of the United Nations mission: food security, sustainability. Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life means food security, access to food, sustainability: all central themes in the work and mission of some of

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28Fri 2015

UN for Expo2015: Feed Knowledge Program

We live in the age of sharing, the sharing economy. Share is a way to grow. It is the idea of ​​sharing that underlies Feeding Knowledge (FK), the program of Expo 2015 for cooperation in research and innovation on the

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28Fri 2015

WFP “Zero Hunger Challenge”

WFP, the largest humanitarian organization in the world, work to end hunger. Currently the world produces more food per capita than it has ever produced before. Despite this, however, hunger and malnutrition are still widespread.
Launched in 2012 at the Conference

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28Fri 2015

(Italiano) Get to ZERO: l’App dell’ONU ad Expo2015

Get to ZERO, is an app-game promoted by UN at Expo Milan 2015 that allows children and adults to learn easily how the Zero Hunger Challenge can be won. We live in a world where there are still millions of

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28Fri 2015

Functional food

Certain foods, in addition to the contribution of basic nutrients, contribute to the physical and mental well-being and to reduce the risk of contracting diseases. The traditional foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and soy milk, contain potentially beneficial components

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28Fri 2015

The role of women in the Zero Hunger Challenge

About 60 percent of those suffering from chronic hunger in the world are women. This is due to the fact that women often do not have equal access to resources, education and income generation, as well as having a minor

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28Fri 2015

UN itinerary at Expo 215

Photo credit:
UN participation in Expo 2015 presents characteristics of absolute novelty. For the first time in the history of world exhibitions, the United Nations has chosen not to have its own pavilion but an articulate presence spread along the

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