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Senza categoria | eatparade - Part 7

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21Sat 2015

Feeding the Planet. How?

The question arises because: no red meat, no coffee, no sweets. Then what is left?
The World Health Organization reports that the red meat processed are carcinogenic, cheese and pizza are addictive, and coffee is like a drug, and so on.

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20Fri 2015

Insects and algae on the table of the European

In 1997, after having launched the Regulation for the authorization for new foods, days ago in Strasbourg, the European Parliament together with the Council, approved with 359 yes, 202 no, 127 abstentions, the authorization of the use of novel foods

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19Thu 2015

Alarm and controversy on Vaccines

In Italy today are dying because of diseases to whom science has given an answer: the vaccine.
Are decreasing considerably mothers who vaccinate their children and this collapse raises the risk of epidemics and diseases now defeats. They are vaccinations that

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18Wed 2015

Organic Farming between values ​​and certifications.

Organic agriculture respects a well-defined value system that starts first by a production method that maintains as much as possible the natural resources intact. This system is aimed at future generations, not to create the void caused by food waste

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18Wed 2015


Present in the event AgrieTour, educational farms are a great way to supplement farm incomes and for classifying their profession with a concrete return by families of the students, who respond with the promotion and sale of farm products.
Rural tourism

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17Tue 2015

Agrietour: rural tourism

AgrieTour is the annual event for all Italian farms. This year was held in Arezzo on 13, 14 and 15 November and made possible meetings on the professional market for the whole panorama Italian agritourism. A chance that contact with

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17Tue 2015


Before sipping the wine, you must do so to settle in respect of its aromas and flavors. But that covers a large time, which ranges from one to two hours. For this the Chinese engineer Eric Li, has created a

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11Wed 2015

Expo 2015, statistics on the most popular pavilions

The Universal Exposition in Milan registered a huge success.
Here is what were the pavilions favorite visitors.
1. First of all (and it is not a news) Pavilion Japan took first place with 21% of the vote. Its real feature is the

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10Tue 2015


Andrea Pezzana, expert in the field of clinical nutrition, exemplified in Expo Milano 2015, the concept of female malnutrition, explaining the various stages of the evolution of physiological woman, who has a greater risk of deficiency, at the risk

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10Tue 2015

Here are the budget and the numbers of Expo 2015

It has been a few days after the close of Expo Milan 2015 and it is time to take stock.
Saturday, October 31 with a special closing ceremony has archived the Italian edition of the Universal Exposition, to give us an

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