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Blog | eatparade - Part 10

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20Tue 2015

News from Expo, comes the Dromedary Burger

At Expo 2015 after the success of Crocoburger and the Zebraburger, the stand of Zimbabwe within the cluster Cereals and tubers launches new sandwich made with camel meat. Outside the pavilion, they were formed long lines to taste it.
Available from

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19Mon 2015

Expo Milan 2015 – Japan Pavilion

Five, six, seven hours in line to enter the Japan Pavilion. Let’s try to describe this legend of Expo Milan 2015.
The pavilion “forbidden” because of super line outside is an elegant wooden structure achieved through a combination of ancient and

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17Sat 2015

Excessive queues at Expo here is like asking a refund

While waiting for the official data on the inputs of Saturday, October 17, the day that may have marked a new record for attendance at Expo 2015, ferments always controversy around the overcrowding and excessive queues that make unlivable the

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17Sat 2015

World Food Day in Expo 2015

Eat Parade was also present at the official ceremony of the World Food Day that was held October 16, 2015 at the Auditorium of Expo. This year’s theme: “Social Protectionand Agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty.”
For the occasion, there

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15Thu 2015

The slimming priciples of piperine

The researchers found that the molecules of piperine have strong slimming properties and help to eliminate the problems of overweight. Piperine is an alkaloid found in black pepper and red pepper, responsible for the spicy taste; it is a spice

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15Thu 2015

Expo 2015: the Kazakhstan Pavilion

The Pavilion of Kazakhstan, greatest country in Central Asia, is the one of the pavilions more visited and it is characterized a path rich in emotions. From the outside, the visitors, waiting in line, are entertained with the shows typical

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13Tue 2015

Press conference to present the educational project Sire

After the success built in partnership with EP SpA with space HERE Pizza & Pasta, Sire is projected after the Expo with many new projects.
Among these, one of the most strongly desired is the educational project for schools, families and

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12Mon 2015

Toxic and hazardous substances

Every day we bring into our homes countless chemicals, more or less dangerous that require caution and care when they are used and stored.
However, as we can see how dangerous they?
A simple and immediate way consists of a careful reading

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12Mon 2015

Rediscovering the value of the Italian language

What are the most spoken languages ​​and most studied in the world?
Neglecting aspects discounted (the most spoken language is Chinese and the most studied language is English), recent statistics classify the Italian between the fourteenth and twentieth adopted language as

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12Mon 2015

The organic farms: what are?

The organic farms are farms, often family-run, that arise in the country. They are called “organic” because they have a zero impact on the environment: do not use OGM, pesticides and chemical additives (harmful not only for the environment, for

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