Scientific research agreement between CR and Caselli di Capodimonte. | eatparade
It has established a new collaboration of scientific communication and research between the center of Naples and the Ceramics Institute Caselli for Capodimonte porcelain. It is a five-year research protocol designed to develop and integrate the functions of aggregator scientific / technological increasingly integrated within the previous activities’ specified in the memorandum of understanding signed in October 2015 with the Institute Caselli.
The sale is the transfer of technical and scientific expertise and the development of projects in the fields of technology and chemical production of porcelain and ceramics of Capodimonte, ceramics in general and processes in preparation and actual relevance of technological / scientific, all through the organization of research projects on raw materials and technological processes, production cycles and their impact on the environment, the study and dissemination of new technologies related to the fields of intervention of the institution Caselli, particularly in interdisciplinary areas between departments and Ceramics Production Technologies Applied to processes, and the departments of Environmental Technologies, Machining Applied.
There will also be activities’ of partnerships with other institutions and national and international research organizations, schools and other activities aimed at spreading scientific and technical, as well as seminars, acts of science and technology, communications and scientific institutions.
The CRC Ceramics Research Center will operate as part of the laboratory technology made available by the Institute Caselli, carrying out the business of designing scientific and technological research, as well as activities’ coordination and institutional relations of scientific collaborations with research institutions Public and university.
The Laboratory will be ‘usable for educational purposes and research, primarily for students of the institute as well as Caselli, in successive hypotheses, for PhD graduates in education, research fellows, contract staff or structured university origin duly authorized by the parties concerned, for the realization of projects, conventions, scientific activities.
In this space, the nature of science and technology, will be put in all those activities’ intellectual and research aimed at enhancing the institute Caselli as reference in all areas of teaching and scientific relevance, in order to enhance and upgrading production technology and scientific heritage institute.