Ultimo mese di Expo 2015 | eatparade
It is began the last month of opening in Expo Milan 2015. Already talk of an impressive success and the goal to score 20 million visitors by October 31 has already been nearly reached. Black dot on weekends at the World Expo in September marked a historic high from the opening of the event.
The record attendance was beaten Saturday, September 26 with well 259,093 visitors who stormed the exhibition site. Last month recorded 4 million visitors bringing the total to over 16 million.
To visit the pavilions were recorded traffics also during the first days of the week; now we are almost running out, there are again the school visits and on Monday, there are files at all hours. The wait is 5 to 7 hours to visit the Japan, 4 hours for Palace Italy, United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan.
Accomplice to the busy schedule of events planned for the month of October, large inflows and record numbers are expected in this final push to finish good Expo Milan 2015.