Monthly Archives: September 2015
The fundamental nutrition bases
From the physical point of view, every living organism is a thermodynamic system that exchanges matter and energy with the environment: the material they need to grow, to replace worn parts and to reproduce; the energy it needs to feed
The feeding of young people (the age of development).
In the case of young people talk about “diet” is not entirely correct because, by now, the young are fed really bad. On the one hand they believe in clichés wrong food, the other part in the spread of food
Spices as drugs.
Ancient cultures, attach to certain spices hallucinogenic and aphrodisiac; spices, drugs, are some aromatic plants (seeds, fruits, roots, bark) are used as food, why enrich aromas characteristic foods for their fragrant oils or essences for their principles.
They are also referred
To assess the correctness of power you must know both the nutritional needs of man is the nutrient content of various foods, that is, both the food needs of man, both averages the chemical composition of food.
The composition of foods
Other festivities in the United States which are not national holidays.
Flag Day: June 14th is the anniversary of the first official American flag, thanks to a resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It was through the work of President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 was established the party that
Festivities and traditions in the United States.
Thanksgiving Day: Thanksgiving day is the oldest American holiday of Christian origin. It was first celebrated in october 1621, the pilgrims had arrived in the new world from europe on the Mayflower in the winter of 1620. Arrived in America
Today’s recipe: how to prepare the “Mozzarella in Carriage”
This is a recipe delicious, easy to prepare and ready in minutes.
Ingredients (serves 4):
16 slices of stale bread 1 cm thick
3 mozzarellas
3 eggs
Farina 00
Oil for frying
1 pinch of salt
Cut the bread and the mozzarella slices, beat eggs slightly, add salt,
Energy consumption of physical activity.
Energy is the “amount” of power and is essential as it allows the operation of all bodily activities, from less experience (basal metabolic rate, respiration, body temperature regulation, etc.) to the more obvious (walk, run, play sports, etc) that make
Consequences of overfeeding
Unfortunately, in the world, next to millions of human beings who have to dramatically solve the problem of hunger, there are whole populations whose health problems and survival are derived, on the contrary, from overfeeding. You know, in fact, that
The strangest foods to eat at the Expo in Milan
On the tables of Expo Milano 2015 we will have many delicacies unknown to Italians but appreciated in the rest of the world.
Among the pavilions of the Exhibition, there are dozens of strange foods to choose from: scorpions covered of