Sai cosa mangi? | eatparade
Today the daily household spending is increasingly driven by the various advertising claims, the increasing number of brands available in small and large retailers, and less and less by an appropriate choice of what comes to the table.
Although, compared to the past, are more and more people in buying food for themselves and their families watch carefully the labels and ingredients in their purchases are still many people who rather ignore this information and purchasing products just for the attractive packaging or because they are of a particular brand advertised.
All this will have an impact negatively on food, especially that of children. Indeed, it is the families who must leave a greater awareness of their purchases to allow their children to eat properly and to start, from the first years of their lives, to have a healthier lifestyle.
It is from this premise that the project was born youknowwhatyouareeating?, a program of information and awareness on ingredients, which too often have high fat levels and are unknowingly purchased.
This project involves a series of meetings with parents to give them all the nutritional information of various foods and teach them to read and understand food labels and avoid products composed mainly of sugar, saturated oils such as palm oil, etc. ..
So this is a real nutrition education to parents so that they return home, they teach what they learned to their children.
Meetings with parents will follow then test for the children to see if they have learned from their parents that is needed to choose the right products that will eat.
Italia Addressee: Primary School children and their parents Key idea: Raise awareness about food ingredients Results: work in progress