Il cinema ambientale | eatparade
Increasing human activity and industry are leading to problems such as pollution, depletion of non-renewable resources, climate change and the resulting global warming, species extinction, etc. ..
Faced with this situation one can not remain indifferent and that is why it is necessary to establish in people greater attention to the environment and its balance.
It is for this purpose that was born the project Enviromental movie theater, a project aimed at High School students.
Enviromental movie theater aims, through watching films on environmental issues, to create a debate on these issues in the same way that young people can begin to ask questions about it.
The project is therefore a real film club, led by expert tutors in the field, which will take place in the hours and extracurricular where each meeting will be dedicated to a specific topic with its film (eg. “Inconvenient Truth” on the theme of global warming, “Wall-E” on the issue of waste etc.).
This project therefore aims to ensure that children learn and do the questions on important issues, but in a simple way and who know how to see a movie. One way, then, to turn a recreational activity in learning.
Italia (Italiano) Conduttori: (Italiano) Collaborazioni esterne: (Italiano) Durata del progetto: Addressee: High School students Key idea: Promoting among students an enviromental issues related debate Results: Work in progress