Ciack si mangia! | eatparade
Nowadays young boys and young girls are confident with the world of new technologies as never before: they know and use equipment of the latest generation with an ease impossible for the members of the previous generation.
Ciak and eat is a project that aims to combine the propensity of young people to new technologies with the needs of learning issues that today are considered fundamental, as well as the importance of a healthy balanced diet.
The project is targeted at High School students and it is divided into steps.
At first the boys will attend meetings with nutrition experts in which, before the experts and then themselves, highlight their continued dietary errors they commit every day without realizing it.
This path of self-assessment will also include short interviews that students will put on family, friends and acquaintances and that will allow to have a more complete view of the eating habits, correct and wrong, of those around them.
In a second step then the guys will collect all this information and, with the help of experts and with the help of professional means, will have to realize a spot of 120 “-180” on the negative consequences of healthy little corrected and how , with simple steps, you can switch to a healthier lifestyle.
The project could then involve more schools and, in this case, could be a competition to reward, with funds for school supplies or for the same, the best spots from those presented.
Finally, the spot will be widespread in other high schools, also not involved in the project.
Italia Addressee: High School students Key idea: Teaching young students what are healthy life basis, including nutrition ones Valutazione risultati: Work in progress