Programma Alimentare Mondiale in Medio Oriente | eatparade
The World Food Programme (WFP) is responsible for food distribution in developing countries where malnutrition is strongest. For example with the program of school meals, through which WFP provides food in schools in more than 20 million students. The program “Food for Work” provides food rations for work useful to the development of the community, while the program “Food for Training” allows you to learn a profession or learn to read and write.
In particular, then, WFP works on the great humanitarian emergencies in several countries including Syria, Yemen and Iraq.
The UN has placed Yemen in the list of countries in which it was proclaimed the ultimate stage of a humanitarian emergency. Only three countries in the world are in that list (Iraq, Syria and South Sudan). The urgency is absolute. About 80% of the population in Yemen has need of humanitarian assistance. Of this, 13 million suffer from hunger and 9.4 million have no access to water. In Iraq, the situation continues to worsen. Because of violence, nearly two million people were displaced, finding temporary shelter in unfinished buildings or in shelters. In a situation of civil war in Syria for nearly half of the population, it has difficulty finding enough food.
Therefore, a very serious situation in the Middle East where millions of people are in need of food assistance. Complicating the dramatic scenery there is also the lack of funds and financing by the Member. In 2015, WFP plans to reach more than 6.5 million Syrians with food assistance, in August set up 4 kitchens in Iraq, which benefited about 100,000 people. Every operation is different, but all have one thing in common: the communities need food resources.