“To inspire humanity in the world.” The World Humanitarian Day at the Expo in Milan
The World Humanitarian Day, celebrated on 19 August, this year has been in scene at the Expo in Milan. In keeping with the theme of the Universal Exposition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” was an opportunity to talk about
WFP – Project The Family Meal
What does a family meal? “The Family Meal” is a photographic project wanted by the European Commission and by UN World Food Programme.
The shots of the photographer Chris Terry immortalize families that receiving food and assistance by agency of the
WFP and the crisis in Ukraine
In Ukraine, the war continues and the country sees growing constantly the number of victims and people forced to leave their homes. Millions of people need aid and humanitarian assistance. Conflict has caused more than 1 million displaced. Many remain
Food insecurity in the world
“State of Food Insecurity in the World” (SOFI 2015). This is the title of the annual report on hunger prepared by the three UN agencies, FAO, IFAD and WFP.
The document confirmed a positive trend, which has seen the number of
WFP and the Italian Cooperation: to encourage girls’ education in Sudan
The World Food Programme (WFP) is committed to the promotion of activities and programs aimed at increasing the power of women in the community.
Among the many projects of WFP there are: the program “School Meals” program “Food for Work”,
World Food Programme (WFP) in the Middle East
The World Food Programme (WFP) is responsible for food distribution in developing countries where malnutrition is strongest. For example with the program of school meals, through which WFP provides food in schools in more than 20 million students. The program
Improving food security in Egypt: FAO for women and young people
FAO provides technical assistance to countries that ask to be helped in the development of its rural sector and in the formulation of policies and programs to reduce hunger. Also assists countries in economic planning and drafting of draft laws
Implementation Process of the NEPAD Comprhensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
FAO is committed, along with the entire international community, to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and in particular the First Goal, which aims to halve by 2015 the proportion of people who suffer from hunger, reducing poverty and helping with
“Promoting Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” FAO program
Cooperation Programme FAO / Italy in favor of agricultural development in developing countries was established in 1980. Since then, more than 400 projects were carried out in over 80 countries worldwide. These projects contribute to the improvement of food
Integrated development of milk chain in Afghanistan
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, is the specialized agency of the UN, with the explicit mandate to raise awareness, coordinate, promote and implement international policies to fight world hunger, increase agricultural productivity, improve the living conditions (especially food) of