Sistemi di Banche Dati INRAN | eatparade
INRAN stands as guarantor of quality in food and nutrition field, through a series of activities also co-financed by public or private entities, because its institutional aims are: consumer protection, improvement of the quality of agrifood products and the enhancement of the specificity of national products.
The program INRAN database system : food composition and food consumption, has as objectives the development of a database system designed to structure the information useful for search; interface development for the treatment of new issues in the investigation (e.g. Nutrigenomics); the enrichment of the database of food composition INRAN, with particular attention to the products and traditional Italian food preparations; the study and development of new dissemination systems to make it more accessible and useful composition data with informative and educational purposes. This programme aims to organize statistical data on food consumption and information on composition, data concentration data, the description of the food, the food, encoding data about the individuals who make up the population. The purpose of this activity is to increase the power of your data with INRAN investigations or acquired from other sources, statistics to respond to the increasing demand for data and indicators from national and international authorities.
Research Material