Crescere meglio | eatparade
According to an estimate by Istat of 2011 Italy it is one of the longest in Europe.
It is a fact that the average life span continues to grow; in Italy it is around 79 years for men and to 84 for women.
With the increases in life expectancy increased but also the diseases that people often bring with them. The most alarming is that many of these diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, occur right from the young age.
Though in some cases the onset of these disorders is due to hereditary factors, other times it is due to improper consumption of foods high in salt and sugar and to a lifestyle basically sedentary.
Moreover, among young people it is very often convinced that it is still too early to think about these types of issues because in their imagination are linked to adulthood.
It is from this basis that the project was born Growing up well, a project aimed at making students realize the negative consequences of their eating habits and their lifestyle, often unhealthy.
The project consists of a series of meetings with doctors and nutritionists who can explain students how it is necessary to adopt a balanced diet and an active lifestyle to prevent, or reduce, these diseases. Along with good nutrition it is necessary to promote a constant physical activity, which is not limited to the hours of physical education at school.
Italia Durata del progetto: Addressee: Primary School children key Idea: Raise awareness about the negative consequences of bad food and lifestyle habits Results: Work in progress