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One of the great problems of this era is the exhaustion of natural resources.
If in the past it was thought that these were inexhaustible and renewable, but today it is known that many of the natural resources, such as oil, coal, gas, water and above all, are not infinite resources, and that you must not waste them to use them as long as possible .
It is therefore necessary to make people understand, and especially to the children who will be the adults of tomorrow, the effect of human actions on the environment and thereby promote the conscious and responsible behavior for the environment and for the use of its resources. That said, REUSEly is a project aimed at children of Primary School and their families, aiming at raising awareness, through a series of meetings with experts in the field, on issues related to the production and disposal of waste and the need for recycling and waste collection.
What I want is to intervene on the mentality of children and their parents.
Children and their parents, thanks to these meetings will learn how it is possible, through small steps, dividing properly their garbage and achieve recycling without wasting any time.
Will be particularly sensitized about the positive consequences of their every gesture, every plastic bottle recycled rather than thrown in the trash.
The project aims to become a real laboratory as it will be asked the children to bring in articles intended to garbage (plastic bottles, detergent containers, food packaging etc.). With these objects the kids will create, with the imagination and with the help of teachers, new objects in order to show them how easy and fun to reuse things that until recently considered before simply junk.

(Italiano) Conduttori: Istituto scolastico Ozanam
Collaborazioni esterne:
(Italiano) Durata del progetto: fino al 31/10/2015
Destinatari del progetto:

(Italiano) Idea centrale: Sensibilizzare sulle conseguenze positive di ogni loro singolo gesto, di ogni bottiglia di plastica riciclata invece che buttata nella spazzatura
Materiali realizzati:

Valutazione risultati in relazione agli obiettivi proposti: Work in progress

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