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Today, with the depletion of non-renewable sources, we talk more and more understanding of sustainability in the Brundtland report, as the balance between satisfying the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The only solution to achieve truly sustainable development would be to return to the state of nature, a state that produced only what is needed and where the man was acting on the territory without having a negative impact on it.

Go back that way today would be totally impossible but what man can do, however, to safeguard the health of the planet and future generations it is to try to limit the damage” within its possibilities.

One of the ways to limit the damage is to start using alternative energy sources that provide energy supply therefore no longer strictly dependent on oil.

Examples of these forms of energy are solar, wind, hydropower, biogas etc .. derived from exploiting the natural agents like the sun, the wind, the sea, to produce energy for domestic and industrial use.

These are the foundations upon which the project ALTERNATIVEly, a project for High School students which aims to make young people understand the importance of taking these forms of energy to not continue to degrade the environmental conditions and to save what it is still salvageable of our planet.

The project will consist of a preliminary seminars in which children will have to attend to learn about the environmental impact that traditional energy sources are causing the planet to learn about the various technical alternatives and to have a broader view about it.

Then, students will have the opportunity to go and visit photovoltaic and aeolian systems, in order to to see first hand what man can achieve without further impact on the environment.


(Italiano) Durata del progetto:
Addressee: High School students

Key idea: Raise awareness about alternative energies and how they could be life changing to students themselves and to the planet

Results: Work in progress

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